Dear, I changed my email as I forgot my old email/ account and did everything you have specified above. it still shows as unlicensed to me as well. I can send a Mod/Admin proof of my vbulletin order page along with proof that everything is clicked to validate my email with I still have shown up as unlicensed and it has never taken this long(that I can remember).
P.S: Not hijacking the thread. Just though it'd be better to post here that I am having the same problem then opening up another thread on the same issue.
P.S.S: On the vbulletin site near my license it says Inactive,3.6.8 I paid for this software for Life. However, not the continued up-dates and support as. I do not like VB4/5. So, I prefer to remain at 3.6.8. I do not currently have my forum installed on my website though is this the problem? Or, is the problem that I need a Active currently paying account. As, if this is the case that is kinda crap. as I do not want to pay for Vbulletin 4 or 5 as I do not like either of them.