Originally Posted by smirkley
Excellent. Liked.
So ip-port.exitlist.torproject.org is the "external content" listed above?
I havent yet (that I am aware of) had a problem member using tor, but I see this as a good defensive measure worthy of consideration.
That is correct. You can give it a try by downloading the Tor browser from their website.
Originally Posted by smirkley
I thought I would install this and test this out.
How do I turn off the X in the popup?
This will be in the next version (0.7.0), I will make sure of it.
Originally Posted by Max Taxable
This is REALLY needed for 3.8.X... Still ALOT of those board owners around.
Acknowledged, I have been working on one since Ramsesx requested it. As I previously stated though, it may not be supported. I will be developing it on my employees 3.8 since I no longer have 3.8 and I won't always have access to it.
Originally Posted by davidg
0.6 version have a bug

Originally Posted by AURFSCAN
for a quick fix until new product xml is edited and uploaded by author, edit the Tor_alert template, right at the bottom - remove ');}
its just before the closing script tag
@InsaneMan, you dont need {} there 
Thank you both for pointing that out, however by removing those lines it would break the cookie detection as that is part of the if conditional. Do one of you have a demo of this issue that I could view, or can one of you cntl + u and share the source code so I could look for errors or possibly a modification conflict?
Maybe you could give this a go as well, I am wondering if the vboptions are giving it trouble.