I would start by removing all elements not needed... basically you can use css to hide some elements and/or vb:comment> code or by simply removing code from the templates themselves making the layout of each section "less" because taking the default style and re-designing as a mobile means you needs to strip it down heavily making it more bandwidth savvy per say.
Take a look at how Dartho did this mobile style -
^ You can do that or similar, that at one point was a default style I imagine that Dartho simply took one day and started manipulating to suit mobile devices

The objective of a mobile style is to work either for tablets or mobile phones, on mobile phones bandwidth is a major factor as some have limited plans but tablets not so much as they usually pull from a home/work network.
Edit: Ahh one tip I forgot to mention, when doing a desktop style if it was fixed width i.e. had a set size in X for example if your forum size is 980px w/ margins set to auto, then when cloning that to make a mobile you should change everything to percentages - Mobile devices do not require a 980px wide forum, they actually show the content better if it's set to %'s and can adjust on the fly - Larger font sizes may show better as well I would gather a few devices and test as I go if it were me.
Edit Again

: Also if your doing tablets, see about the jquery method outlined here IF you want different backgrounds at different resolutions etc -