my forum database displays error for a week by showing
'mybdd_db' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 150) and''
after first consulting the support of my host, I'll copy the answer
1st answer:
We completely removed the limit on the database to determine if the problem is the limit or not.
2nd response
We put your script under surveillance, and it looks like someone fun to try SQL Injection attacks guy on your vBulletin script, for example here are some detected attacks:
# # # # # # # # # # # #
Database error in vBulletin 4.2.1:
Invalid SQL:
Attack 1: SELECT * FROM WHERE userregcode userregemail ='' & cat / etc / passwd &'';
Attack 2: SELECT * FROM WHERE userregcode userregemail = '% sample 40email.tst' and (sleep (4) +1) limit 1 -;
Attack 3: SELECT * FROM WHERE userregcode userregemail & dir ='' &'';
Attack 4: SELECT * FROM WHERE userregcode userregemail'' = "\ \") |] * {<> ';
# # # # # # # # # # # #
It is therefore clear that the vBulletin version you are using is very risky to you faster to update to plug the SQL Injection vulnerability types.
what should I do for my vbulletin securiser ?
ps: my vbulletin is a day 4.2.1