I have just installed this and set the appropriate settings in each usergroup.
For example, I have set "Registered Users" to be able to receive, but not send and a premium usergroup allows them to be able to send and receive pm attachments.
Unfortunately, these settings are not automatically applied to the users and the only way I can get this to work is to change the settings for each user individually. With 10000 members, that is not an easy option. Sure, I could probably automate that in SQL, but am not sure what the command would be.
Reading though the posts, I can see that some people here have got this to work so I would appreciate some guidance here. In phpmyadmin, I have found the pm_attachments field in the forum_user database. What is the command I have to enter into the SQL window to automatically set the pm_attachments to 3 for selected usergroups?
I read here someone quoting: update user set pm_attachments = 3 where usergroupid in(2,5,6,7);
Could I simply run this command to update all users:
update 'forum_user' set 'pm_attachments' = 3 where usergroupid in(2,5,6,7);
Would this work, or am I missing something. It would be much better if the software would work as advertised and simply apply the setting according to the Usergroup without having to manually update each user.
I hope someone can assist me here.