Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
I can't replicate this on my 4.2.1 forum. I only get 1 thread created no matter how many are selected. Do you have any other modifications running on the userdata_postsave hook? You can check in Plugin Manager in Admin CP.
So I found this happening even when it's completely different users.
For example:
- User 1
- User 2
- User 3
- User 4
- User 5
If I deleted their spam all at once instead of individually (the only way I can prevent this from happening is by doing it individually), I would see five threads all pointing to the first user in the lineup instead of each individual user:
- Banned User 1
- Banned User 1
- Banned User 1
- Banned User 1
- Banned User 1
(That's what I set the thread title as.)