Hi John it seems that they are giving you a hard time.
There are some anti-spam programs and mods on this forum that may help!
The spammers are now entering a new phase where they have access to automated programs that are very good at posting spam. You need to be on top of deleting them asap, as once they get established they just grow.
It sometimes helps to block either their individual IP's or block the whole IP block.
You can also block certain countries if normally you do not get members from them. And unblock later if things calm down.
It is sometimes a compromise between letting members in and stopping spammers.
If their actions are resulting in your site being closed then you may have to take drastic measures to remain active.
Possibly the only good news I can pass along, is that I have found that actively deleting them immediately and constantly stopping them from earning any money from their links by deletion, often results in a drop off of their activity, after a reasonable short time. And then it only requires monitoring to keep them under control.
All the best in stopping the low life's from hurting your site.