Originally Posted by y2ksw
Here, as an unofficial addon, you get the autorefreshing page (tested). It needs:
- a text editor;
- a refresh time of your choice (see metatag refresh in file, now at 10 seconds);
- a banner location (see placeholder in file, now at position 0);
- at least a banner for that location;
- a global target of a new page aka _blank (RBS options), else you jump into the iframe;
- a template modification for a 468x60 banner:
HTML Code:
<iframe src="rbs_iframe.php" align="center" frameborder="0" height="60" width="468" scrolling="no"></iframe>
Please note: with smaller banners you get white borders, with larger than the iframe area, they are clipped.
it shunts my forum tab down a little is there any way to not have it do that
and it does this either way i code it when i shrink my screen or on smaller screen sizes
any way to stop it doing this?!