Originally Posted by djbaxter
Email this evening from this mod:
northernangel is a valid membername from a member who had not logged in for a long time. The member was not ad admin or moderator. The records show that member did log in to her account about the time the email was generated but it was from a different IP address and a different country than the one on record. There is no indication in the logs of any entry into the admincp from that member or indeed any member other than the two admins.
How is this possible? Is this a false positive?
I have changed the password for that member, banned the member at the forum level, and banned the IP at the server level to be safe. But should there not be a log entry if there indeed was a breach?
By the way, in order to gain access to the AdminCP, two passwords are required.
I figured part of this out because it happened with another forum member today while I was actually online. That member in who's online was shown as viewing a "no permissions" error message, meaning they didn't actually get access to the admincp and that's why there was no log entry.
However, you might want to look more closely at what tirggers the email notification of a breach.