I need some help after I downloaded digitalvb's style: morbid dark.
I hav been using this many times before, but this time when I uploaded it (I don't bother re-upload either as I came too far now). Might not even be the issue tho.
Anyways whenever I visit anyone's member profile or my own usercpanel many "no image" icon shows up. I look at the HTML for it and seems like the path: "images/headerpng.png/add.png" Well it is suppose to be something like: "digitalvb/morbid_dark/"dont remember which folder here"/add.png"....
".../headerpng.png/..." something is messed up, anyone know what to do and where I can fix this? (Admincp, css file, php file... ??)
Thanks, I would appriciate some help on this one