How many groups and styles are you talking about?
Is this something you want to do manually or automatically?
I had a setup like that before we made adaptable templates. Somehow I thought it would be cool to have different views for different kind of users. Modifying all those styles ended up boring the heck out of me so I dropped it. But it was fun to write the code and not to difficult.
I use the display order in the admincp and it told me how to filter and display the tree.
1000 Header GroupName1 (Fake style) for the group name...
1100 Sub Group Name
1110 Style1
2000 Header GroupName2
Then I pre-filter the admincp data and add group header names and null fields for seperators. I don't think I have the code anymore or I would just give it to you.
You can by doing the same thing by creating a manual menu if you do not have too many styles. I will check my backups and see if I can find the code. If not I can get you to a starting point.