Originally Posted by cdoyle
We've been using this for a few months, but lately it seems we are getting more emails of posts that need moderation but when we go to the forum, there is nothing there.
My mods want me to remove this feature, but I'm hoping there is something that could be tweaked.
Hi, sorry for the delay in getting back to you!
Could it be that one of your "mods" is getting to the items waiting before the other mods check/get the email and so when they go to the queue its empty?
Originally Posted by xony
Hi, had long waiting for a mod to do this, thank you very much, but I have an error when running cron, I get this error:
Warning: SimpleXMLElement::asXML([path]/includes/xml/vbmqn.xml) [simplexmlelement.asxml]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in [path]/includes/cron/vbmqn.php on line 59
Queue Checked
would be possible to fix it? thank you again.
Hi, in the error message "Permission denied" would suggest there is a problem with file permissions for the .xml file you uploaded to the server, what permission dose this file have?
My file permission is set to 644 and this works just fine for me/my server setup, let me know and we can hopefully get this working for you.