Originally Posted by cellarius
It is quite clear that you were not around at the times of vB3, so you might want to think twice before telling people what they have to remember. There are people who actually do remember, you know...
If that's what floats your boat, frustrating major releases may make you happy. vB customers once were used to high quality releases, and even beta versions ypu could happily install without a second thought if you had half a clue what you were doing. This fundamentally changed with vB4 Gold, and vB5 is even worse.
Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL
You know... I do remember vBulletin 1, vBulletin, 2, and vBulletin 3. I even remember the short lived vBulletin Lite edition, which you forgot (assuming you knew what that was).
And let me tell you something.... vBulletin is not what it once was.
You don't have to literally remember something to know things are always buggy and unstable at the beginning of their life.
I read through a number of things about people whining that vBulletin 4 sucked when it was first released and calling vBulletin 3 God; now vBulletin 5 is what sucks and vBulletin 4 is the God. There was a guy complaining about it back in 2010 on a forum I currently regularly visit
Anyway, instead of wasting people's time and energy, if you don't like something about vBulletin 5, actually do something about it and make improvement suggestions rather than just sitting here pointlessly complaining and hoping something will automatically happen to improve it.
Originally Posted by TNCclubman
wait what? vb3 is not EOF anymore? YAY!!!
like its getting new things or just security patches?
No, it's definitely at the end of its life. This recent release was for PHP support, I believe. All vBulletin 3 gets now are security patches.