As this is my final day as a coder with the vBulletin community (today is the last time I will be on the forum.... and I am leaving the vBulletin community entirely due to medical reasons and have realised there is more to life than this), I thought I would take the time to update my most popular hack for vBulletin 4.
Update: v4.1.0
-- Updated: Installation/Upgrade/Removal Instructions file
-- Updated: OAuth.php & twitteroauth.php files to use the new Twitter API 1.1 (old API 1.0 no longer works)
-- Removed: all references to "account/rate_limit_status", as this has been removed from the Twitter API 1.1
-- Removed: Two plugins to aid in diagnosing problems with this hack (as I no longer support this hack, and have now left the vBulletin community)
Remember, it is now up to you the members to support each other.