hello, I have problems visits my forum bots, bots cause an overload on the vps, 4-12 step load, install CloudFlare on my site and I have some problems.
My forum users do not have access to the forum, This Error Appears ...
http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/8577/nsj8.jpg for several days can not access the site.
I guess this is the reason why my visits down Because the visitors Also receive That mistake.
Another problem Is that my forum only 6,000 visits mark but google analytics and histats.com above 8,000 mark so I think They are not bots.
CloudFlare is blocking human access to my site and look for another option, I found this:
But it's a 2006 and do not know if it works with vbulletin 4.2
Anyone know how I can do to block access only to bots without affecting humans?
*Google translator