New issue though. The 'matches' page that lists the reviews of a particular product, the page you are viewing when you click the 'reviews' area of a product in the product list, it doesn't load properly.
The reviews show 'outside' the body of the main forum, almost like there's a missing div tag, or some sort of issue like that I can't figure it out.
Like if you view,
it's layed out wrong for some reason.
It's correct here, just not on the matches page to view reviews.
I tried to open both templates side by side to see what could be missing from the matches one but I couldn't figure it out. I suppose it's possible the issue is in the productforums.php file itself but I'm not sure.
A fix for this would be appreciated.
edit; I'd also like to know if there's any simple way, or known websites we can get this xml file to import mass products from? If a website's RSS feed is in xml format, is there a way to use that?
I mean I definitely don't have any scraping software to go through websites, compile all the exact data I need them format it into an XML file I can import into the product :P Any help on this would be appreciated by myself and many others I'm sure.