Originally Posted by jazzyname
I think , in good conscious that VB3 should fall into class of the Win-XP in that ibrands keeps it as a classic and keep critical security support for those of us that like the hobbieware of the fiddling of code.
additionally, as Ibrands continues to roll out versions, they should keep in mind a nice and easy bridge/import to move up and over to their latest project version.
But, Hey ! What do I know, I'm just a small voice in the shadows.
These are good ideas and generally what is happening. VB 3.8.7 (soon to be 3.8.8) is still receiving important security updates and even support for PHP 5.4.x.
Also even with VB 5.x, you can upgrade directly from VB 3.8 without having to upgrade to 4.x first, so a direct upgrade path was included from the start.
feeling is the sheer market share of VB 3.x means we will see it supported in some way for a long time to come.