Hello guys,
I am trying to create a new achievement system for my forums. I have got issues and questions.
1. Achievements for dates
I have got the forums about World of Warcraft and as you maybe know WoW had some awesome events in the game or outside of the game. I want to make achievements like "BlizzCon 2010 - Be part of the forums during BlizzCon 2010". Unfortunately I didn't find a way how to add the achievement just for one fixed date. Is there a chance to do it somehow?
2. Adding more rules
I'd like to ask, if I can somehow add more rules for achievements. I wanted to add some achievements for sections and threads - mostly about posts in the threads - like achievement for posting in a Music Thread.
I am sure I will have more questions but I am not sure if someone here actually using this plugin and got some experience.
Thank you for your time and answers.