Some more newbie question:
1. In the lef/right block, there is a link to "My Notepad". What is this? In my default installation of vBulletin 2.2.5 it seems not to be existing?
Best regards,
Originally posted by el3m3nt
2 new actions (getdaily and getsticky!) and threads-table-title depends on the action!
if ($action == "getsticky") {
// sticky threads
$threadsquery = $DB_site->query("select threadid,forumid,title,postusername,lastposter,rep lycount,iconid from thread WHERE visible=1 AND sticky=1 ".$threadsql." order by lastpost desc limit $numthreads");
$threadstitle="Sticky Threads";
now modify the template "home_threads":
- 2 new options (select)
- replace "Latest Threads" (title) with $threadstitle
that's it. all these improvements will be included in version 1.4.
pls write me all suggestions and ideas how we all can improve this script . [/B]