Originally posted by Arathorn
makenavoption("Spin Threads","spinner.php?action=spinthreads");
hmm...might be a little late for this, but I just like to add something to that....if you are going to use that in the admin cp, all you have to do is put in the following instead of the above:
makenavoption("Spin Threads","../mod/spinner.php?action=spinthreads");
put that somewhere in your admin/index.php file (along with the other links), and it'll just go into the mod folder to get the file (along with any other thing it needs).....if you want to know a good place (well..I didn't really put it in a good place, but it's a good place)...here's what you do:
In admin/index.php, search for:
PHP Code:
makenavoption("Who Voted?","thread.php?action=votes");
and replace it with:
PHP Code:
makenavoption("Who Voted?","thread.php?action=votes","<br>");
makenavoption("Spin Threads","../mod/spinner.php?action=spinthreads");
well...that's were I put mine...good luck for whoever needed this type of info