Originally posted by freddie
I see a lot of hacks here but I don't see much pride in their creation.
I get a little gleeful burst of happiness when people reply to my hack(s) and offer their appreciation. Seriously -- it gives me a lot of joy to know that I'm helping people make their forums better.
Hell, there's not enough money to be made in providing general hacks for a fee. You drive off too many people with the prospect of paying extra for a little added feature. I can understand someone who invests their time and energy into a custom project -- at someone's request -- and asks for compensation.
But I also think it's repulsive when someone posts a request and the immediate response is "I'll do it for $30". MORE IRRITATING is when someone posts that they're working on a hack, and the Gimme-Gimmes come slithering out of the woodwork to demand its release with their cries of "Why isn't it done?" and "You suck."