vBulletin Appreciation Thread
First the idea was to post a tread titled: Why you have chosen vBulletin?
Although this is relevant question it is not what I really want to hear because I'm not looking for reasons why vB.
What I really want is to make vBulletin Appreciation Thread.
There is so much negativity recently about vBulletin that it made me think we need some positivity to balance this scale a bit.
All in all vBulletin (especially vB3 series) is absolutely AWESOME!
So, SAY SOMETHING NICE about vBulletin and skip comments about other forum scripts in this thread please!
vBulletin 3 Pros:
+ Most Advanced Forum Script Ever Made
+ Forum Script with Biggest Mods/Addons database Ever
+ Great Starting Point to build any kind of Forum/Portal site you may like
+ Excellent Base to create addons, modifications & themes
+ I'm not 100% sure but this might be also most widely skinned Forum script ever
+ Awesome (Proven) Scalability (There are vBulletin powered forums with millions of threads/posts and still working fast on ordinary server setups
+ Highly Customizable