Originally Posted by digitard
I'd love to see an "Administrator" option to create products with the information, but not need to actually input a 1-10 review.
For example I'd be able to create the name, keywords, a link to the manufacturer site, image, use the review box to put in information about the product (like the official what it has, cost, etc), and the production year. Then submit it, and my users sub-reviews can create the actual star rating.
This would be good for things like store/site reviews of things that aren't 100% products or if we want to remain "out of the game".
There is a global misunderstanding on Reviews scripts, and I can admit that it gots me long time (actually years) to understand how these scripts are working. Well when I was talking for reviews, I had in mind exactly what you wrote. Admin posts something (eg an article) and users rate/review it.
Unfortunatelly what I was (and you ... and many others) thinking about reviews are not reviews script. Are rating scripts. The normal Reviews scripts (just like this) are scripts where the author has reviewed something and posts his final review for reading (mostly) and rating by the users.
A good example to understand it, is the reviews that most magazines are posting. eg Let's say a Mobile phones magazine posts some reviews for the new models. The author checks the new model and then he post the reviews. Users are reading the review and usally they post replies with their opinions, or adding a global rating.
What you asked for are Rating scripts, which are most common (in my opinion). eg You want to operate a Hotels directory and you're posting some dozens of Hotels (in most cases you never seen them), expecting that users who know these hotels will post reviews.
Am I right? Pitty, but this mod has been developed scoping the first way. Even if can be modified to work like you want, I don't suggest it, as most probably will be a waste of time.