hi, i JUST asked the qeustion on the last page....heh, and the post above u is the answer. The thing was i was refreshing my browser a lot so i can see what the stats looked like and when i added the include("vbs_counter.php"); line, and then refreshed my index.php on the home page it gave somethen like headers where already sent or somethen, but it works now, works great!!!
so to answer the question:
To get all those "Division by zeros" u will need to add this in your phpinclude template:
(just incase u dont know, go into the admin cp, all the way down u will see Templates Add | Modify | Search Add Template Set --- Then click on the Modify link, expand the list for whatever style (default by default) ur useing, then find the phpinclude template. Click modify, and just past include("vbs_counter.php"); into it. also, u dont need the // )
your last question i cant help u with.... :ermm: