Originally Posted by John Lester
The code below is untested so make sure you have a backup of your database.
I'm not sure you could mass move those without a "reason", I think you could use "NULL" as the "reason" in the code below. What the code below does is move all users matching the "reason" so you'd have to repeat the code for each "reason" you have used in banning people.
Since the code uses the wildcard % you can use a partial "reason" if you wanted.
You'll have to create another banned user group if you haven't already, and make note of it's usergroupid #.
Also if you're using a prefix you will have to add that (IE vB_userban instead of just userban)
UPDATE userban SET usergroupid = newusergroupid#here WHERE reason LIKE %reasonhere%
Great! Thank you, I'll give it a shot tonight and see if it works.