Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech
.... The statistics from W3Schools seem to counter your claim: http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_display.asp & http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/br...ion_higher.asp for a breakdown of what "Higher" means.
So by targeting 1366px width, we are actually targeting over 90% of all users
We tend to design our products for the majority, and it's clear that the overwhelming majority have a higher screen resolution. Sure, this may not fit every single individual forum, but we can still say it covers the majority
A community catering to teaching the elderly about computing and the internet will probably have a higher percentage of IE users running older versions of Windows.
Does that mean we support IE6 on WinXP? Not by any stretch.
A community regarding hardware overclocking will probably have a higher percentage of Chrome or Firefox users running the newest version of Windows. Does that mean we don't support IE? Not by any stretch.
Update: Our Managing Director has informed me that for the future I should make the table of images fluid so that it can shrink to 1 image per line if the window is too narrow (and expand to 3+ images per line if the window is "too wide"), so look for that in a future update 
Thank you very much for your answers.. Regarding browser size. W3schools site says at the very top
W3Schools.com is for people with an interest for web technologies. This fact indicates that the numbers below might not be 100% true for the average internet users. The average internet-user might have a lower screen resolution.
I do believe W3schools data is very skewed, as they themselves say is possible. I even found a forum discussion on their site stating it is skewed and doesn't include mobile browsers. 90% of browser sizes (which is not the same as screen size) are not over 1300px wide.. Especially considering the massive growth in mobile browsers, which have actually brought in a revival of lots of smaller and strange screen sizes (very tall and narrow).
Here's some useful contrary links regarding regarding browser viewport (again, different from screen size), and why it's bad to design based on reported screen size.
Update: Glad to hear you will be making the design fluid to fit varying widths.. I think it's a good decision.