Originally Posted by mbteam
Hi, thank you for responding. There are lots of spamming on my forum. Because of that, i would like to know if there is anyway to allow registered users to post comments and threads after the 1 day they registered which means that registered users wont be able to reply and post thread when they just registered.
It's better to install Vmail plugin (verify e-mail before registration) and VBstop forum spam plugin.
This will cut 99.99% of spammers.
If this is what You don't wan't to do for any reason, You can solve problem by creating usergroups.
- Users who are just registered
- 1 day old users
For first group, You can simply edit permissions and deny opening new threads or replies.
For the second group, You should enable all usual rights.
Set up the promotion in ACP and promote all users who are 1 day old by cron job.
I had this set up before installing above mentioned plugins, and it did greatly lowered spam, but it's frustrating for legitimate users and I'd not recommend it.