Originally Posted by Niak_Judge
Hello, it seems like demos are not aivalables anymore...
Could you post some screens ?
Yes I'll be sure to get the demos and screen shots back up. We moved servers and deleted the excess (forgot about the linked content here)
Originally Posted by Niak_Judge
Also :
- "Uses almost ZERO server resources "
=> Could you be more specific ?
Yes, This service will only use your server to load the page the chat window is on, the main requests are pinged off the a server that is hosting the chat (not yours)
Originally Posted by Niak_Judge
- Can this chat be included (as a widget // html or php widget) in the CMS ? ("3. Isn't in your face (home page)" => can you be more specific on that too ? Do you mean "not in the home page ?" )
The way this plugin is designed it can't directly be made into a widget but I can post the code later in the week and you can make a widget using the code.
When I stated it isn't on your home page, I was merely stating that it is on a separate page.
Originally Posted by Niak_Judge
- Can guest view / post messages ?
Thanks for your help 
Currently it is set up that its a members only thing BUT you can definitely set it up so that ANYONE can post to it... beware of SPAM! You will need to modify the code to make it work for this though.