This site is mostly for help with making modifications to your site. Most of your questions are about the default software and thus could have just been asked over on, the official site.
- In regards to the logo, there are size limitations when you use the Site Builder to upload the image. Also, the only way to change the URL it points to is to actually modify the template itself. I believe it is the header template.
- I don't understand this - so you end up with two Forums tabs? If you don't want one of the default tabs, don't just rename them - you need to actually delete them or they will do this funky revert at times.
- I don't understand what you are asking about here - what do you want to be 70/30? That is one of the options under the Site Builder > Edit Page > Change Layout area - is that what you are talking about?
- If you have registration on, then there should be a page with all that data when you click to register.
- There are several bugs regarding the General Update Tools, like for Update Title and User Ranks. You can do a search in Jira to find most of them.
- What did you do just before they all disappeared?