Problems encountered configuring vBulletin 5.0.2. Help required!
Dear vBulletin,
I had outsourced my website and recently after some growth and more coding myself I found out a part (the vBulletin) which is just a section of my site, was unlicensed (in other words nulled), I immediately took action and bought a license.
This is my first day that I use vBulletin 5 and I am trying to configure it to my wants or needs, however there seem to be so many restrictions or user-unfriendlinesses. I am not sure whether it has to do with my website/server or not, however I think it only concerns vBulletin.
My vBulletin is installed in a sub-directory: /forum/
- While trying to change the logo by [Edit Site] + [Edit Page], neither the upload or retrieve from external source work. Going to the templates and editing the link manually to the logo in the styles works. However, I am unable to edit the link the header sends to [the href].
- To the navigation bar I added several links to non-forum sections of my website, however the [Title] of the first [Navigation-Item] e.g. [BACK TO SITE] > [/index.php] automatically changes back it's [Title] to [Forums] even though the original [Forums] navigation-button is still there, only it's not in the first position. This is very annoying.
- I could yet not find the possibility in basic-configuration to set a max-width for the website or for it's dimensions [70/30], I am sure something like that wouldn't be left out, therefore please assist me find it.
- The vBulletin does no longer have a login.php [a form] somewhere, of which I could use the data so people could directly login from the main website to the vBulletin using a form on the website. It might be there, but I can not find it.
- For testing purposes I added a new Account, put it in the Administrator group then deleted the current Admin account. Result the entire forums are offline. There is a serious error and the page cannot be rendered. After going through all maintenance options, no result, in addition the 'Update Title and User Ranks' doesn't even function, because of: Updating user info... Fatal error: Call to undefined function fetch_infraction_groups() in /public_html/forum/core/admincp/misc.php on line 370.
- All the forums/categories dissappeared, even though they are still in the MySQL database.
The more I use vBulletin/continue configuring it using no mods, tools and not even editing the PHP files themselves, the buggier, glitchier the vBulletin appears to be.
In the meantime I have deleted all SQL tables/forum folder of the vBulletin and put back the original nulled-script that was first being used. Until the purchased version is not working like it should, I will continue using the nulled-script, otherwise I lose visitors.
Please help me.
Best Regards,