Originally Posted by kh99
Yeah, sorry, I couldn't really understand exactly what you're doing, so I thought I'd let someone else try. Anyway, the above error looks like what would happen if $section1 was blank. This isn't the solution to your original problem, but you might want to change the code to ensure that if $section1 is empty, it doesn't try to do the query.
Good idea, I set it so that if($section1 == '') it display a message, else it executes the rest of the code.
--------------- Added [DATE]1369119570[/DATE] at [TIME]1369119570[/TIME] ---------------
In my template I would use {vb:raw entry.field97} to display that field. This doesnt work in my php file, just the template where everything is displayed.
--------------- Added [DATE]1369122257[/DATE] at [TIME]1369122257[/TIME] ---------------
Ok so when I just use the php in the plugin it works but puts it at the top of my page. When I put the php in a separate file then it doesnt work. Currently It is display what I want but at the very top of the page inside of the div. I guess that is because it is just firing it on page load instead of when it reaches the spot in the html
--------------- Added [DATE]1369122826[/DATE] at [TIME]1369122826[/TIME] ---------------
This worked, once I add in category I am done. kh99 thank you.
PHP Code:
// Set Your Section ID Here
global $entry;
$section1 = $entry['field97'];
// Set The Number of Articles To Display
$limit1 = '20';
if($section1 == '')
echo "<span style='margin-left:8px;'>There is no news for this recruit</span>";
$articlegrab1 = vB::$db->query_read("
SELECT ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_nodeinfo.nodeid
, ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_nodeinfo.title
, ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_article.previewtext
, ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_article.pagetext
, ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_article.contentid
, ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.nodeid
, ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.parentnode
, ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.contentid
, ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.url
, ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.publishdate
, ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.setpublish
FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_article
, ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_nodeinfo
, ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node
WHERE (".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_nodeinfo.nodeid = ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.nodeid)
AND (".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_article.contentid = ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.contentid)
AND (".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.parentnode IN ($section1))
AND (".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.setpublish != 0)
ORDER BY ".TABLE_PREFIX."cms_node.publishdate DESC LIMIT $limit1
while($articleinfo1 = vB::$db->fetch_array($articlegrab1)) {
$title1 = $articleinfo1['title'];
$text1= $articleinfo1['previewtext'];
$nodeid1 = $articleinfo1['nodeid'];
$url1 = $articleinfo1['url'];
$pagetext1 = $articleinfo1['pagetext'];
$unixdate1 = $articleinfo1['publishdate'];
$date1 = date("F j, Y, g:i a", $unixdate1);
$fulltext1 = strip_bbcode($fulltext1);
$text1 = preg_replace('/\[ATTACH\=CONFIG\]\d\d\[\/ATTACH\]/', '', $text);
$text1 = strip_bbcode($text1);
$pagetext1 = strip_bbcode($pagetext1);
if($text1 == '') $pagetext1 = substr($pagetext1, 0, 120);
$centerhtml1 .="<div style='padding-bottom:10px;margin-bottom:10px; margin-left:8px; margin-right:8px;border-bottom:1px solid #cccccc''>";
$centerhtml1 .="<b><a href='/content.php?".$nodeid1."-".$url1."'>".$title1."</a></b>";
$centerhtml1 .="<p><span style='color:#6f6f6f'>".$date1."</span></p>";
$centerhtml1 .="<p>".$pagetext1."...</p></div>";
$tabhtml1 = "<div><ul>".$tabhtml1."</ul>";
echo $tabhtml1.$centerhtml1."</div>";
$recruitnews = ob_get_contents();
vB_Template::preRegister('ADV_DYNA_SHOWENTRY',array('recruitnews' => $recruitnews));