Hello, I'm trying to import my old phpbb forum in vbulletin with ImpEx. I've experienced some problems. Please help me, I'm working with ImpEx since Friday 24h/24!
PHPBB was in UTF8, VB is in latin1_swedish_ci.
1. How should I set these things in ImpExConfig?
// Advanced Target
$impexconfig['target']['databasetype'] = 'mysql'; // currently mysql only
$impexconfig['target']['charset'] = '';
$impexconfig['target']['persistent'] = false; // (true/false) use mysql_pconnect
// Advanced Source
$impexconfig['source']['charset'] = '';
$impexconfig['source']['persistent'] = false;
define('use_utf8_encode', false);
define('use_utf8_decode', false);
2. After the import, I had codes like: . Solved by adding this line in 000.php:
$text = preg_replace('#\[center:([a-z0-9]+)\](.*)\[/center:\\1\]#siU', '
$2 ', $text);
3. I've characters like ''', '<' sowing in posts and usernames. For posts I solved with this:
But I still have the problems with usernames. I've to change them manually? For example, in the database I've something like: &lt;cr7-danyeleos&gt; and it shows up as <cr7-danueeos>
Is it correct what I've done? What can I do? How should I configure the ImpExConfig?