Hi DragonByte Tech,
I was wondering if you could tell me how I might be able to trigger the action of the thank you button from another plug-in? In other words I would like to have the thank you get added when a user clicks "yes" using the
Helpful Answers plug-in.
The code that that is inside that plug-ins template is:
<a href="./helpfulanswers.php?do=rate&postid=$post[postid]&rank=1" <if condition="$vboptions[disable_ajax] != 2"> onclick="return helpfulanswers_rate($post[postid], 1);" </if> rel="nofollow">$helpfulanswer_yes</a> /
<a href="./helpfulanswers.php?do=rate&postid=$post[postid]&rank=0" <if condition="$vboptions[disable_ajax] != 2"> onclick="return helpfulanswers_rate($post[postid], 0);" </if> rel="nofollow">$helpfulanswer_no</a>
and obviously the DragonByte Thank You code is:
<a href="javascript://" name="dbtech_thanks_button" data-postid="{$post[postid]}" data-button="{$button[varname]}"><img src="dbtech/thanks/images/{$button[varname]}.gif" alt="{$button[title]}" border="0" /> {$phrase}</a>
~ any help would be appeciated!