Originally Posted by tbworld
Reading this I believe you need to post your code. Are you querying for the current username, a selected username or creating a list for their email.
If I am reading in between the lines correctly, I think you have been trying to embed the query inside the escaped html string <-- you are calling an embedded template.
What we need to do is restructure what you have so you can see your way clear.
I think I will have to post a portion of the code. I dont know that I have rights to post it completely though, as it is propietary.
I run a third party product on my vb that uses a php based template, albiet that it is mixed with php and template html.
And it works, and by generating a page consisting of a header/body/footer.
In this template are variables like $username and a few others. $username is populated in the php file that calles this "template".php. And $username can and is used in the html part of the file.
I have a need now to create a way of making $useremail work the same way.
But the snag, or I would have it by now myself, the file that fills $username is encoded so that file can not be changed.
My only option is to find a way to make it work by way of a query, in the template file as it isnt encoded.
Otherwise I am SOL.