We've been having issues with dos/ddos attacks on our forum for a while now - last night i decided to do a bit of tinkering with CSF and i've made a bit of a boo boo
I ran the "Check server security" command then started to go through all the 'warning' messages one at a time, altering the relevant settings to fix the warning.
Everything seemed ok at first but a bit later i discovered that our main forum page (the page you get first if you google our site) is just showing as a blank page
http://tehbasement.com/ just gives you a blank page
http://tehbasement.com/forum/ takes you to the cloudflare smarterrors page
http://tehbasement.com/forum.php takes you to our forum now.
Anyone know which setting i've changed that has caused this? I'm a relative noob at this stuff, just trying to beef up security and it's gone a bit awry
Thanks in advance for any help! Goofy.