Your forums front page has so much going on no wonder you have so many database errors.
First of all you have 17 redirects on your forums, you have google adsense, you have facebook crawling your site like crazy, you have avatars set to display for your latest forum posts and threads and no images have image dimensions.
I was getting tons of database errors just a few months ago and I eliminated every single database error by blocking facebook spiders and bots from crawling my site.
I also removed the avatars from every single post and thread in the forum sideblocks. I added image dimensions to every single image on the forums especially the forum home and removed the google +1 and facebook like buttons from my forums.
As soon as I removed the aforementioned "buggers" my forums had "ZERO" database errors.
If you need help you can send me a pm and I will show you what to do. It "WILL" take some time but in the end your forums will be running database error free.
I also have hostgator and they tried to give me the run around and tried to convince me to pay for a dedicated server, if you don't have one don't do it, if you have one downgrade to the business plan.