Hey all. Wasn't sure where exactly to post this as its' not an article, but its a video series of building your vBulletin forum massive. Initially I had built it as a product for
http://vbsocial.com, but I believe the information is helpful to all vBulletin owners and forum owners in general. Intstead of limiting the knowledge to a select few, lets get people excited about building forums again, and start taking gaining ground over the social networks (perhaps ambitious?) The course took a very long time to make, so I hope you all enjoy and learn something out of it.
In part of making this free to the web, I will say some of the links I put in the descriptions of the YouTube videos are affiliate links, and I will earn a commission if you click and buy from them.
How to Build a Successful Forum [Youtube]
If this is in the wrong location, please move it. Enjoy.