sorry ForceHSS, well lets see, one shared hosting account going down, twenty odd clients going nuts, that their sites aren't resolving and a web designer that is after charging me 400 bucks because someone deleted his website by mistake(the hosting company).... i've been busy to say the least, and i am sorry if i didn't confirm with you. this site is going to be my own and i haven't got that much of a responsibility with it, as some of the other sites that belong to clients that come first.
so i do sincerely apologise for not getting back to you.
All that being said, i have worked out how to use Vbulletin a bit more and worked out that the navbar tabs are controlled in the navigation section of the control panel so i am getting there, the one answer i need is the tabs on the site i showed the link for above, are obviously linking to various forums as the links show various forum display links, is there a way of hiding a particular board or forum, until its linked directly, and not in the main index.
thank you