sorry i misunderstood the post.
I've been looking around on other gaming websites, so here's a combination of all the data (this post, other websites, and personal criteria):
- Gameplay (how everything comes together and whether or not it makes a nice little package, is there solocampaign and/or multiplayer
- Graphics (quality of the graphics)
- Sound (quality of the sound)
- Controls (how smooth are the controls, in case of pc game: is controler supported)
- Entertainment (is the game worth playing a second time mayby even a third time or more)
- Story (is there a storyline or not and is good)
- Price (woth buying based on previous criteria)
for example:
Gameplay: 7
Graphics: 8
Sound: 8
Controls: 7
Entertainment: 6
Story: 4
Price: 6
Overall: 9.2
note: some gametypes may not have a certain criteria, so then score is replaced by n.a. or ---
for example:
Gameplay: 7
Graphics: 8
Sound: 8
Controls: 7
Entertainment: 6
Story: n.a.
Price: 6
Overall: 7