I thought so. We do not use PayPal or anything else, just members pay per bank. But when the member gets an expire email, it would just be nice that the Admin also gets a notification of this. I could not find anything so far about this, suggestions?
Maybe it's simpel by coding the subscriptions.php in includes/cron and add the Admins email address, but I'm not a coder unfortunatly.
PHP Code:
while ($subscriptions_reminder = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($subscriptions_reminders))
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_misc.php');
$subscription_title = fetch_phrase('sub' . $subscriptions_reminder['subscriptionid'] . '_title', 'subscription', '', true, true, $subscriptions_reminder['languageid']);
$username = unhtmlspecialchars($subscriptions_reminder['username']);
eval(fetch_email_phrases('paidsubscription_reminder', $subscriptions_reminder['languageid']));
vbmail($subscriptions_reminder['email'], $subject, $message);
Something else, below in subscriptions.php is this line:
PHP Code:
// time for the reminders
$subscriptions_reminders = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
SELECT subscriptionlog.subscriptionid, subscriptionlog.userid, subscriptionlog.expirydate, user.username, user.email, user.languageid
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "subscriptionlog AS subscriptionlog
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON (user.userid = subscriptionlog.userid)
WHERE subscriptionlog.expirydate >= " . (TIMENOW + (86400 * 2)) . "
AND subscriptionlog.expirydate <= " . (TIMENOW + (86400 * 3)) . "
AND status = 1
Can I change TIMENOW + (86400 * 2) and TIMENOW + (86400 * 3) to longer periods without problems? For example TIMENOW + (86400 * 7) and TIMENOW + (86400 * 14)