Originally Posted by mykkal
Can you get brightcove based videos to work? A lot of news organizations use it. Hulu uses it as well. See the link below. I think the difference between HULU and the news organizations is that HULU uses a DNS cname to make it appear that the video is hosted on their site when it is really hosted by Brightcove. Adding brightcove support would make this work with tens of thousands of news websites.
It's not exactly how AME works.
AME works by detecting a
URL, such as the one you posted, and transforming the link to the Replacement HTML in its respective definition. If the website is YouTube, for example, I have to create a definition that will allow AME to match YouTube URLs, and then AME will replace them with whatever the HTML in the definition is.
So take a website like PC Planets, who had content hosted on YouTube. It didn't matter that I had created YouTube definition. AME needed to detect PC Planets URLs. So a separate definition had to be created to match their YouTube content. (And their URLs had to be unique enough so as not to try and parse their MetaCafe hosted videos, as YouTube videos.)
The source of the video is not what matters. Anything can go in the Replacement HTML box. It's irrelevant to the RegEx pattern, which needs to match a URL before it can do anything. I have quite a few definitions already for websites that use Brightcove. But that's just source code, and not what AME looks at when trying to match a pattern. This is the reason why you can't make a definition for something like vbTube. Definitions are for specific sites. Not specific video services.