Thanks. i didnt know much what to do with that so i went looking for the ['ds'] in the file elsewhere but could not find anything. I even tried changing "if ( $awc_goal['extra'] == 2 )" to "if ( $awc_goal[0] == 2 )" and doing a bunch of other weird things to see how it impacts anything but didnt really chnage. I even deleted the entire first If statement and it kept giving me the same error at the start of the second if statement.
Maybe its something at the end of the if statements having to do with "$lastid = $awc_goal['id']; and $lastsid = $awc_goal['sid'];" ?
If there is no obvous answer, is there a way to just turn of erro reporting for that specific page? Second option would be to completely disable the mod but it works fine for what I need until I can migrate.
PHP Code:
if ( $awc_goal['extra'] == 2 ){
print_description_row( $vbphrase['awc_goal_extra_2'], 0, 2, 'thead', $stylevar['left'] );
} else {
print_yes_no_row( $vbphrase['awc_goal_extra'], 'extra_'.$awc_goal['id'], $awc_goal['extra'] );
print_yes_no_row( $vbphrase['awc_goal_erenew'], 'erenew_'.$awc_goal['id'], $awc_goal['erenew'] );
print_yes_no_row( $vbphrase['awc_goal_edisplay'], 'edisplay_'.$awc_goal['id'], $awc_goal['edisplay'] );
print_input_row( $vbphrase['awc_goal_tag'], 'tag_'.$awc_goal['id'], $awc_goal['tag'] );
print_input_row( $vbphrase['awc_goal_ord'], 'ord_'.$awc_goal['id'], $awc_goal['ord'] );
if ( $awc_goal['id'] != $lastid ){
echo '<tbody>';
print_description_row( "<input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" value=\" $vbphrase[save] \" tabindex=\"1\" title=\"".$vbphrase['save_settings']."\" />", 0, 2, 'tfoot" style="padding:1px" align="right' );
echo '</tbody>';
$lastid = $awc_goal['id'];
$lastsid = $awc_goal['sid'];
} else {
print_stop_message( 'awc_no_access' );
print_submit_row( $vbphrase['save'] );