Originally Posted by StephenKay
I'm having problems with spambots submitting multiple requests to register.php?do=addmember; thousands per day.
Of course, since I use the human verification option with graphics etc., they are unsuccessful in completing any registrations. But the traffic is slowing down the server greatly and my ISP is pissed off.
Will this mod do anything to alleviate that issue? Once they are detected by this, does that in any way stop them from making more requests to register.php?do=addmember?
So few people seem to realize the resource hit spammers make. :erm:
The best way is to customize the register.php, and outright block IP ranges you don't need. For me, that's China, Russia, USA proxy/VPS servers, etc. I don't get any legit traffic from the places so it's blocked.
Use mods like this to get ones you miss or haven't added yet. Also use something like stopforumspam.com. The best anti-spam practices implore several concurrent methods to thwart junk.