Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS
Pitty  Really Pitty  ......... I think that I was clear in my main post, but I have been mistaken. That's why, once more, I'll try with my bad English to make some things clear: - I'm not anymore a vB coder, and I'm not planing to go commercial with any of my vB work. That's why:
- I gave all my mods (20+) to someone else. I'm not so idiot to offer for free my 7 years work if I had in mind to start selling mods again.
- I placed that note in the main post that my code can be freely reused by anyone who wants to release this mod (and all upcoming ones) for vB3 or vB5.
- The mods that you're seeing now and all the upcoming ones, are mods that I'm coding for my own use, in my own site http://www.lagadas.com. Once more, since last year I'm a forum admin just like you, and not a coder. So all my work will have the features that I found usefull for my own use, and not for your use. Sure I agree that maybe a discussion thread should be valuable for you. But is something that I don't need. And as long as I don't need it in my site why to spend my time adding it?
- Talking for threads and discussions. If you check at: http://www.christeris.net/dev42/ you'll see that in the articles/cms mod I'm using the forum engine. Because for my articles section, yes, I want discussion. The same for my reviews section.
- There are many admins having spent thousands dollars for custom work as they want to have their site unique. I don't care to have a unique site that's why I'm happily sharing my work. But at this point starts and ends on the same time my offer. I'll offer the work that I did for me, but I don't plan to work extra for something which will be useless for me.
Thank you for your attention and understanding
Christos Teriakis
aka ChrisTERiS
We suggested for your website only

Maybe you like to add a suggested feature to your website and share it with us
I am joking .. okay Chris, clear