I had a similar issue at first, and in reading posts learned a couple of things.
1) Make sure that user names are one word and not two. Example: "Mr Robot" is allowed in vB but not on WP. This is primarily because it will break the URL. In other words "Mr Robot" would be translated to "Mr%20Robot". I have not found a work around on this issue. This means that all users on vB that have a space would need to use an underline "_" to make it work which means the name would need to be "Mr_Robot" or "Mr-Robot" would work as well.
2) This mod still does not work for "https", which isn't a problem for you, but I've been waiting for the update. I did pay for the pro version! I'm hoping this will be resolved soon.
Try to completely remove all of the files for the Mod, clean the database for WP, then start from scratch and make sure that there are no spaces in user names. I think periods are fine like "Mr.Robot" because it will should not mess up the URL but I would not suggest it. See if that was the issue.