please anyone fixed it working with vbadvanced?!
There is a fix for other old hack:
may be someone else can create fix for this one?!
hm... looks like I found it myself
in modules/news.php find:
PHP Code:
// #### Strip characters and add "read more"
add above:
PHP Code:
// hide hack integration
$news['message'] = $GLOBALS['vfc_hide']->strip_hide_bbcodes($news['message'], $news['forumid'], $news['threadid'], $news['postid'], $news['userid']);
// hide hack integration end
BUT! This just remove all under HIDE from advanced... but would be nice to show it as normal show in thread...
Wolver2, edit product .xml file in any editor (Notepad++ for example) and change there:
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.1.10" maxversion="4.9.9" />
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.1.0" maxversion="4.9.9" />