Couple of issues having with this script, cheers in advance if you guys can help.
When I press "Connect with Facebook" I get a screen saying:
"Please establish the connection to Facebook before continue" with a login button
I then click log in and get taken to a new screen which says:
"Hi <username>
Hope you enjoy your stay at <sitenmae> Forums
Register Now!
It would take you... 1 minute!"
I then go back to the first screen when pressing register:
"Please establish the connection to Facebook before continue" with a login button
Then I get this:
Thank you, <username>
Connection to Facebook has been established...
Please choose an username for your <sitename> Forums Account
In order to be able to post messages on the <sitename> Forums forums, you must first register.
Please enter your desired user name, your email address and other required details in the form below.
But when I press submit, I get a dialog box coming up saying:
Please establish the connection to Facebook before continue
Any help? It's like the connection between the two is dropping?