My developer helped us install this mod to work with a custom theme they developed, and we found many of the adlocations do not show the ads. They said this is bug issue with vbulletin or your mod. Is he correct?
ad_thread_last_post_content = not working
ad_thread_first_post_content = not working
ad_showthread_firstpost_start = working
ad_showthread_firstpost_sig = working
ad_showthread_beforeqr = not working
ad_navbar_below = working
ad_header_logo = not working
ad_header_end = not working
ad_global_header2 = working
ad_global_header1 = working
ad_global_below_navbar = working
ad_global_above_footer = working
ad_forum_below_threadlist = working
ad_forumhome_afterforums = not working
ad_forumdisplay_afterthreads = not working
ad_footer_start = working
ad_footer_end = working
ad_board_below_whats_going_on = working
ad_board_after_forums = working
ad_blogsidebar_start = not working
ad_blogsidebar_middle = not working
ad_blogsidebar_end = not working
ad_blogshowentry_before = working
ad_blogshowentry_after = working
ad_bloglist_first_entry = working
ad_archive_below_content = working
ad_archive_above_content2 = working
ad_archive_above_content1 = working
Thank you!