Originally Posted by Spangle
Using that info, you can enter the usernames into your banned user name list, with the IP, go to your CPanel and add the IP to the "Deny IP manager" that will stop them even getting to your site, they will get a 404 persmission denied.
The problem is, as fast as you ban them, they will use a different username. so best to the IP way.
After awhile your .htaccess file will become 'bloated', and your forum will slow down due to the server checking the IP's against your .htaccess list. At the moment, vBulletin and spam are just becoming bombarded with spam, with not any really good way of stopping it, or slowing it down.
A better idea would be what Invision did with their forum software, which they scan all registrations usernames, IP's and emails, along side other forms of spam prevention which stops mostly all spam getting through. Spammers are banned and deleted after a certain period set by the admin. Would be nice if vBulletin had a similar system running, instead of spammers causing excessive queries, or just flooding your forum with rubbish.