So it turns out I can get the mod mostly working in VB 5.0.1. If you use "Paste as Plain Text" when you paste links into the VB5 editor, they work fine in 5.0.1. If you paste as a hyperlink you get the ugly URL BBCode but you do get a working link at least.
This bug does not exist in VB 5.0.2 and the mod works well in VB 5.0.2 for those on the beta testing team, and for everyone else soon.
I have added some new features to the mod.
Besides just grabbing titles of pages you can now also automatically embed video URLs without the use of any BBCode. Just paste a YouTube or Vimeo URL into a post and (if enabled) the mod will convert it to an embedded video.
In addition to embedding video URLs the mod can also work with databases that have been upgraded from VB 3.x where the "AME" mod was in use. The AME mod is not available for VB5 yet and I don't know if it ever will be. If you didn't clear the AME tags before upgrading to VB5 you probably have many video URLs still stuck inside the [AME] BBCode.. Such as [AME][/AME]. This mod can auto-embed video URLs inside AME BBCode. Again it will work with YouTube and Vimeo URLs. (Both original YouTube URLs and the shorter URLs.)